The streets of Rosario are also home to many forms of Arts, sculpture, architecture, murals, etc. The project  “Arte a la Vista- Museo Urbano” Art in Sight – Urban Museum is displaying a number of murals, by great artists from Rosario such as Antonio Berni, Antonio Gambartes and Julio Vanzo, among others.
These monumental paintings can be seen from a distance of hundreds of meters and transform the city into an open space art gallery.


Street Art under Parque Urquiza

Street Art under Parque Urquiza

Street Art under Parque Urquiza (b)

Street Art under Parque Urquiza (b)


Azulejo next to La Fluvial

Azulejo next to La Fluvial

Unicorn on 1º de Mayo

Unicorn on 1º de Mayo